Welcome to the camping section of the Winfields Outdoors blog where you’ll find a whole host of camping tips, hacks and advice to help you make the most of the great outdoors. We’ve got everything from buying guides and product reviews to interviews with top brands and even a bit of lighthearted fun to help your next camping trip go that bit smoother. Whether solo or family camping, we’ve got ideas and advice for everyone!
There's one exciting thing about this brand that contributes to why its outdoor gear stands out from the rest. And that's the Eddie Bauer's Guide-Built®️ Process. Discover everything you need to know with Winfields Outdoors today.
Music festivals have become somewhat of a summer tradition in the UK. But if you’ve never been to one before, it can be quite an overwhelming experience. Here's the Winfield's guide to festival camping for beginners.
To dine alfresco successfully, you’ll need the right equipment handy. It may seem obvious, but if you’re cooking equipment isn’t up to scratch, it could taint your whole camping experience! Here's the Winfield's guide on the best camping stoves and cookers.
Are you planning on experiencing a camping adventure this summer? Here's the Winfield's guide to having the best camping experience possible in warm weather conditions.
It’s easier than ever to pick up your phone and book a summer camping holiday, thanks to the sheer amount of choice we have access to online. But have you ever felt as though there’s just too much choice? Winfields Outdoors is here to help. Discover the best locations for summer camping this year.
A good night’s sleep is essential for any camper, whether you’re going solo on an expedition or on a family trip - you will need a sleeping bag. But how do you choose? Winfields is here to help with our sleeping bag buying guide.
When you're getting ready to go to a festival, it's so easy to forget all of the essentials you need to ensure you have the best time possible. Discover the ultimate festival checklist to make sure you have everything you need before setting off.