What we’re trying to say is that each place has its unique way of celebrating the summer solstice. And of course, when the summer solstice is celebrated will also differ. For example, the summer solstice won’t begin until our wintertime for those living in the Southern Hemisphere.
Where are the best places to celebrate summer solstice 2022?
Some pretty incredible natural spots are popular amongst those who celebrate the summer solstice. However, the most popular summer solstice celebration is held at Stonehenge, which is located in Wiltshire, England.
Thousands of people gather at Stonehenge during the summer solstice to watch the sunrise.
It really is quite a fascinating experience, as the sun rises behind the Heel Stone, which is known as the ancient entrance to the circle. Throughout the sunrise, you’ll witness the light from the sunrise being channelled to fall into the centre of the monument.
Because of the accuracy in positioning of the Stonehenge, many people believe that the summer solstice has been celebrated for thousands of years – as the prehistoric monument dates back to 3100 BC. That’s approximately 5,000 years ago.
Although Stonehenge is the most popular spot to celebrate the summer solstice in the UK, many choose to visit somewhere in nature to watch the sunrise instead.
Outdoor gear to thoroughly enjoy summer solstice 2022
If you’re heading outdoors to celebrate the summer solstice this year, check out some of our newest stock to make the whole experience more enjoyable, now available at Winfields Outdoors.