Extremities at Winfields Outdoors
Designed to perform in the most extreme conditions, Extremities outdoor gear has been put to the test in all four corners of the earth by explorers and outdoor athletes alike since 1982. With a firm focus on gloves, hats, gaiters and socks, Extremities are clothing specialists committed to quality, development and service.
Pushing the boundaries of fabric technology for decades, Extremities use a combination of branded technologies alongside their own fabrics to produce products that outperform many others in the outdoor industry. So of course, we had to make sure we had a comprehensive range of Extremities outerwear for you to choose from.
For example, the Extremities Evolution Long Waterproof Socks have been expertly crafted to be comfortable, breathable, and stretchy. These not only keep you dry in wet weather, but are incredibly warm and cosy – which is ideal for adverse weather conditions, or for long days spent outside on a hike or fishing trip.
Or, slip on an Extremities Flux Beanie for extra warmth on a casual hike. With a luxurious fleece inner for maximum comfort, this can easily be slipped into your bag when not in use.
Extremities gloves
Of course, what Extremities are really known for are their gloves. Built with a superb range of practical features, Extremities gloves are the ultimate in outdoor comfort and functionality.
Extremities’ Sticky Power Liner Gloves for example, are perfect for slipping on as part of a winter layering system. Constructed in a quick-drying stretch fabric, these Extremities gloves are fleece lined for extra warmth when the temperature drops outside. But they’re also very practical – with a silicone palm you can still grip securely, and they’re even smartphone compatible at the fingertip!
On the other hand, the Extremities Waterproof Focus Glove is a strong contender for the ultimate all-season glove. Featuring Extremities’ X-Dry Technology, these gloves are highly waterproof to help your hands stay dry no matter the weather. When the temperature drops, these Extremities gloves also have 5oz of insulation, keeping your hands cosy warm – plus, they’re touchscreen compatible, so you don’t have to compromise warmth for functionality.
Outdoor comfort with Winfields
At Winfields, we want everyone to feel comfortable in the outdoors. That’s why we always make sure to have a fantastic selection of the best Outdoor Clothing and Footwear – so you can go at your own pace, and make your own adventures.